These objectives are taken from the four clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) across NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board in 2022/23. They are included here in full and form part of our transition year from four CCGs to one single organisation - NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board during 2022/23.


Actions from CCG to ICB

Objectives set up in the four CCGs

Completed actions: Additional, focused equality inclusion and diversity (EDI) training rolled out. EDI forms part of governance checklist for formal papers to management team, governing body and sub committees.

Barnsley CCG: Ensure equality and inclusion are at the core of the commissioning process.

Completed actions: Added the requirement to improve equalities data collection from providers into the Barnsley health equity group plan. Provider SWYPFT rolled out a campaign to increase uptake in data asked for and provided in 22/23 - best practice to be shared with other providers.

Barnsley CCG: Broaden the scope and content of information that we hold on protected groups and ensure maximum use from analysis.

Completed actions: Strengthened understanding during the pandemic – specific action in this area with Barnsley Council during the roll out of the vaccination programme.

Barnsley CCG: Build upon our understanding of patient experience of services, re equality, diversity and inclusion, and act upon instances of potential discrimination to continually improve service delivery.

Completed actions: Barnsley partnership wide involvement, equality and experience group formed and then included as part of formal Barnsley integrated care partnership governance.

Barnsley CCG: Developing strong and consistent leadership on equality, diversity and inclusion issues.

Completed actions: Annual review of staff survey by the CCG engagement and equality committee. Overview and ongoing work with the CCG staff forum Radiators.

Barnsley CCG: Evidence an informed, empowered, engaged and well-supported staff team.

Completed actions: Regular review of patient experience surveys (GP survey, friends and family, Healthwatch reports).

Barnsley: Improve access to services through informed commissioning

Completed actions: Patient experience surveys undertaken by providers and organisations like Healthwatch help to inform and improve commissioned services. Monthly ‘deep dives’ into service areas which were brought to the engagement and equality committee and shared with the public on the Doncaster CCG website.

Data recorded by providers on activity by protected characteristics has been used to identify themes, support the commissioning process.

Doncaster: Utilise information and feedback gleaned from our patients, public and third sector partners to inform and influence the commissioning of healthcare services which are appropriate and responsive to our local population and their needs, ensuring better health outcomes for the Doncaster population by ongoing monitoring and assessment.  

Community and patient engagement reports provide information of engagement with local patient groups and members of our local community and the outcomes as a result. The quarterly reports were presented at the engagement and equality committee.

Doncaster: Ensure appropriate and accessible targeted communication with local communities to raise awareness and understanding of healthcare options.

Community and patient engagement reports provide information of engagement with local patient groups and members of our local community and the outcomes as a result. The quarterly reports were presented at the engagement and equality committee.

Doncaster: Improved patient access and experience ensuring patient and public engagement at the start of each commissioning cycle as determined by the equality impact analysis and embedding equality and diversity considerations into the decisions and culture of the CCG.

Completed actions: The Doncaster BAME network was set up. Colleagues from across the other CCGs attended. This wider network is now delivered by a range of ICB staff forums. are also part of the Inclusive Cultures Partnerships Programme. Monitoring of the workforce in terms of representativeness across the protected characteristics was published within the CCG quarterly corporate assurance reports which went to governing body meetings.

Doncaster: Progress our engagement with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities across Doncaster and with CCG staff within South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw to understand challenges they face to improve experiences and support their needs

Work assured via: Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care, SY&B Sustainability Plan, Rotherham CCG Commissioning Plan, Mental Health Transformation Plan, Rotherham CCG 5 years Primary Care Strategy, Healthwatch feedback, Complaints and Patient experience.

Rotherham: Build strong relationships with diverse groups and communities to understand their needs, priorities and experiences in order to inform commissioning in Rotherham. 

Work assured via: Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care, SY&B Sustainability Plan, Rotherham CCG Commissioning Plan, Mental Health Transformation Plan, Rotherham CCG 5 years Primary Care Strategy, Healthwatch feedback, Complaints and Patients experience.

Rotherham: Have effective governance to improve Equality, Diversity and Human Rights performance through the Equality Delivery System and improve the use of equality analysis data in our commissioning cycle in Rotherham.

Work assured via:  Rotherham CCG Staff values, Rotherham CCG Policies, all Board papers and other committees have EIA.  E&D Steering Group reports to Audit Committee which reports to Governing Body

Rotherham: Consistency of equality approach across Rotherham CCG in respect of equality leadership, staff empowerment and access to development opportunities.

Work assured via:  NHS Staff survey and action plan, oversight and monitoring of use of relevant HR policies.

Rotherham: Develop an inclusive working culture which values diversity and support staff to feel confident to challenge any harassment, bullying or perceived victimisation.

Work assured via: public forum, workforce development, the work of REIG & Compassionate Sheffield. Operating under name Sheffield Health and Care Partnership after July 2022.

Sheffield: Contribute to developing a consistent approach to equality in Sheffield through the Accountable Care Partnership.

Work assured via: public forum, workforce development, the work of REIG & Compassionate Sheffield. Operating under name Sheffield Health and Care Partnership after July 2022.

Sheffield: Make measurable and continuous improvements in workforce equality, recognising the importance of a diverse workforce on improving the healthcare experience for all communities in Sheffield.

Governance via SPIEEC of equality, involvement and consultation legal duties. Delegated responsibility from the governing body for approval or consideration of projects and programmes alongside quality assurance relating to impact of feedback on commissioning decisions.

QPEEC responsible for equality, involvement and consultation legal duties from July 2022.

Sheffield: Make sure information and feedback from our patients, public and third sector partners is used to inform and influence our commissioning so that healthcare services meet the different needs of our local population.