At NHS South Yorkshire ICB we have an ambition to put our citizens firmly at the heart of all we do. We work closely with local VCSE organisations, healthcare partners, and the public to make improvements that are tailored to our communities. Here are some examples of making a difference through involving people in South Yorkshire.



Following the last Children and Young People's Conference in 2023, the SY Children and Young People's Alliance's ambition was to co-create their third conference with South Yorkshire children and young people. The Alliance wanted to make sure that children and young people's representation was equal to that of professionals, and so they based conference content on the information children and young people in South Yorkshire told us most matter to them about their health and the social determinants which directly link to the Child Health Equity Collaborative and the developing framework. 

Supported by Chilypep, the conference was truly influenced by the contributions of children and young people from the very beginning. They were actively involved in the planning process, ensuring the event was co-produced and authentically represented their perspectives. A key focus was creating a safe and supportive environment where young voices could be heard.

The conference features a series of art workshops, where pledges were formulated by both adults and young people:

  • We pledge to create spaces for children and young people to feel heard and include

  • We pledge to co-create and collaborate with children and young people in all we do

  • We pledge to listen and be curious when we are spending time with children and young people

  • We pledge to share children and young people’s voice when they aren’t able to be present

  • We pledge to include children and young people in the development of new resources and training packages  

  • We pledge to champion the creation of safe spaces and places for children and young people

  • We pledge to spend time understanding the different needs of children and young people when they are in educational settings

  • We pledge to co-create more events like the conference

Find out more about the pledges and how the team co-created this successful and inspiring event here.

Clifton Learning Partnership hosted a Healthy Family Fun Day for the Roma community on Tuesday 29th October, which was arranged and supported by our ICB and a number of local agencies. 30 adults and 82 children/young people attended the free event, where they had access to a number of activities and information stalls. The event helped to break down barriers between services and families and raise awareness of various health issues, including sexual health and dental health. Providers valued the opportunity to build networks and identify partnerships opportunities with other services in the area. Find out more here.