NHS South Yorkshire Office Locations

The New ICB Telephone Number is: 0333 041 0021.

There are then 7 options to choose from including:

1. Complaints

2. Covid Vaccination Enquiries

3. Barnsley Place

4. Doncaster Place

5. Rotherham Place

6. Sheffield Place

7. Chief Executive's Office

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Sheffield Office
197 Eyre Street, Sheffield
S1 3FG


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Rotherham Office
Riverside House
S60 1AE


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Doncaster Office
Sovereign House
Heavens Walk


Barnsley Office
Barnsley Office
Westgate Plaza One
S70 2DR


NHS services: If you are looking for details of local dentists, GP surgeries, pharmacies or other services please visit nhs.uk 


When submitting a complaint to NHS South Yorkshire ICB could you please include a note to confirm if your complaint relates to a specific area within South Yorkshire (i.e. Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham or Sheffield).

From 1 July 2023, NHS South Yorkshire ICB (NHS SY ICB) took on delegated authority from NHS England for processing complaints in relation to the primary care services in South Yorkshire (listed below).


1. What to do if you want to make a complaint about a GP Medical Service, General Ophthalmic Service, Community Pharmacy Service or Dental Service

We recommend that you contact the provider of the service in the first instance to give them the opportunity to investigate and respond to your areas of concern.


2. How do I make a complaint about Secondary Care Services, for example, Acute Hospitals, Community Services, Mental Health Services

We recommend that you contact the appropriate Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) or the Your Experience Team attached to that particular hospital or service in the first instance.


3. Raising a Complaint

A complaint can be raised with either the provider or the commissioner of the service (NHS South Yorkshire ICB), however, the same complaint cannot be investigated by both organisations.

If you wish to do so, the Complaints Team at NHS South Yorkshire ICB can facilitate an investigation on your behalf, subject to criteria (decided on a case-by-case basis), although this will increase the investigation and response timescales.  


4. What happens if I prefer to complain directly to the commissioning organisation?

The Complaints Team at NHS South Yorkshire ICB can facilitate an investigation on your behalf, subject to criteria (on a case-by-case basis). You can contact the team via the details set out below.


5. How do I submit my complaint to NHS South Yorkshire ICB?

The ICB can receive complaints via email, telephone, letter or face to face (with an appointment):


Email:             syicb-sheffield.icbcomplaints@nhs.net

This email address above covers all areas within South Yorkshire - Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield.  If you reside outside of South Yorkshire you will need to contact the ICB that covers your area.  You can find details of your local ICB at: Find your local integrated care board (ICB) - NHSDetails of how to make a complaint should be available on the respective ICB website.


Tel:                 03330 410021 (choose option 1)


 By Post:        FAO Complaints Team

NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

Sovereign House

Heavens Walk


DN4 5DJ 


Face to Face: If you wish to meet with a member of the team we have offices in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield. We would, however, ask that an appointment is pre-arranged to avoid any disappointment.


NHS SY ICB has a zero-tolerance approach to aggression, abuse, violence, hate crimes and hate incidents or anti-social behaviour towards its employees. Failure to follow this policy will result in further proceedings which can lead to a criminal record. Our Zero Tolerance Policy is located at our website at: Zero_Tolerance_Policy_-_V2_final.pdf


6. Advocacy Services who can offer help and support:

Advocacy services offer independent support to people throughout the complaint process, helping with drafting complaint letters, providing support with meetings and offering guidance. These services are provided free of charge.


The following advocacy services are available to members of the public in South Yorkshire:


Barnsley:       Cloverleaf Advocacy

                        Address: 5th Floor, Empire House, Old Wakefield Road, Dewsbury,

WF12 8DJ

Tel: 01924 454875

Email: referrals@cloverleaf-advocacy.co.uk


Doncaster:    VoiceAbility

Address: Rear of Carcroft Club, 6 Chestnut Avenue, Carcroft, Doncaster


Helpline: 01302 319052/0808 164 6125

Email: doncaster@voiceability.org


Rotherham:   Cloverleaf (Absolute Advocacy Service for Rotherham)  

Address: Unit 3, Bessemer Way, Bessemer Business Park, Rotherham

S60 1EN

Tel: 01709 794294

Email: referrals@cloverleaf-advocacy.co.uk

Website:  https://cloverleaf-advocacy.co.uk/areas/rotherham


Sheffield:       Website - Sheffield Advocacy Hub sheffieldadvocacyhub.org.uk

Tel: 0808 278 7820.

Email: referrals@sheffieldadvocacyhub.org.uk

Address: Citizens Advice Sheffield and Law Centre, Westfield House, 60 Charter Row, Sheffield S1 3FZ


7. What if my complaint has been investigated and I am not happy with the outcome?

If you are unhappy with the complaint response, you have the right to ask the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) to review your complaint.  The PHSO is an independent body that makes final decisions on complaints that have not been resolved by the NHS in England.   They can be contacted via their customer helpline: 0345 015 4033 (Mon-Thurs, 8.30m to 5.30pm, Fri  8.30am to 12.00noon) or online at http://www.ombudsman.org.uk/make-a-complaint. The PHSO cannot normally look at complaints more than 12 months after you became aware of the problem.


​​​ Find out more about how to feedback or make a complaint about an NHS service

What is the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act?

The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 gives individuals the right to have information about public authorities and how they make decisions. 

Information Comissioner's Office - What is the Freedom of Information Act?

What is the Data Protection Act (DPA)?

The Data Protection Act (DPA), first initiated in 1998, and then updated in 2018, provides individuals with the rights to request access to information about themselves - and to be provided with copies of information held by organisations, businesses or the government.

The DPA 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How do I make a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request 

Requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 need to be made in writing.

Applicants should include their name and an address for correspondence, which includes an email address. While we cannot specify a format of application, we have found that it is a more efficient way to process requests and supply information electronically.

Requests should be as specific as possible to enable us to process your request. It can be useful to include a telephone number in case we need to contact you but this is not a requirement.

Email requests 

You can email your request to: syicb-sheffield.freedomofinformation@nhs.net
(Please make it clear that your request refers directly to the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and the specific area i.e. Rotherham, Doncaster Barnsley or Sheffield)

Written requests 

Please address written requests to: 

Corporate Services Officer (Freedom of Information)
NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board 
197 Eyre Street
S1 3FG

(Please make it clear that your request refers directly to the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and the specific area i.e. Rotherham, Doncaster Barnsley or Sheffield)

We endeavour to ensure that FOI requests are responded to within 20 working days.

Please contact our CHC Place teams on the following email addresses:

For Barnsleysyicb-barnsley.barnsleycontinuinghealthcare@nhs.net

For Doncastersyicb-doncaster.chcdoncaster@nhs.net

For Rotherham: syicb-rotherham.continuingcareroth@nhs.net

For Sheffield: syicb-sheffield.sheffieldchc@nhs.net

Individuals have the right to access and receive a copy of their personal data, and other relevant supplementary information that is held by an organisation. This is commonly referred to as a subject access request or 'SAR'.

Subject Access Requests can be made verbally, in writing, via email or letter and via enquiries through the website and social media. See contact details below:

Tel: 0114 305 1000 (from UK)


Social Media: (details at bottom of this page)

Written: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
197 Eyre Street
S1 3FG

Please state on your requests 'Subject Access Request' to help direct your request.

Requests should be as specific as possible to enable us to process your request. It can be useful to include a telephone number in case we need to contact you but this is not a requirement.

If you are contacting us from the office of a MP, please email us directly at syicb-sheffield.mpcorrespondence@nhs.net.

We are always happy to work with the media, please contact a member of the communications team on syicb.communications@nhs.net

For all of the South Yorkshire Places, inspectors / partners can notify the ICB via the central corporate inbox SYICB-sheffield.corporate@nhs.net

Contact our Caldicott Guardian, Cathy Winfield, Chief Nursing Officer at NHS South Yorkshire, by emailing helloworkingtogether@nhs.net, clearly marking 'for the attention of the Caldicott Guardian' in the email title.

Contact Caroline Million (CM Associates) our Data Protection Officer by emailing caroline.million@outlook.com, clearly marking ‘for the attention of the Data Protection Officer’ in the email title.

To get in touch with the South Yorkshire ICB Medicines Optimisation team please email syicb.medsopt@nhs.net 

If you are a member of the pharmaceutical industry and would like an appointment with the SY ICB Meds Opt Team, please click here and complete the form.

For Place specific Medicines Optimisation matters please use the links for a direct Place contact:

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For SY Practice Plus Group Admin Contacts please use:


For any enquires relating to finance or financial matters, please contact our finance team on syicb-sheffield.finservqf7payables@nhs.net 

Social Media

Find out about the latest news, public health initiatives  and regional developments by following us on social media:

X (formerly Twitter)
