There are a number of ways to get involved in our work. You can read about why you might want to get involved in our work in our Start with People Strategy Why Get Involved page here.

You can read about the many different ways to get involved in South Yorkshire and in each of the towns/ cities that make up South Yorkshire in our Start with People Strategy How to Get Involved page here.

There are also a few ideas about how you could get involved below...

Meetings in public

The public are invited to attend meetings or ask questions of NHS South Yorkshire and the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership which take place in public, see Meetings and Minutes for more information.

Our work is sometimes scrutinised by the Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Committee, their meetings are also in public and papers and footage from the meetings can be found here.

South Yorkshire Membership Network

Join our South Yorkshire Membership network, and receive regular opportunities to participate in surveys, focus groups, or other engagement activities from us and our partners straight to your email inbox.

Our Membership Network has upwards of 1400 members (aged 16+) who have been recruited to be representative of the population. By proactively inviting our membership network to have their say on topics that interest them, we can better reflect the voice of South Yorkshire citizens in our work. 

You can expect to receive four newsletters per year plus one-off time-limited involvement opportunities - and how often you take part in them is up to you.

Find out more or join our membership here.

Read our latest membership bulletins here

South Yorkshire Patient Panels

There are a number of patient panels operating across South Yorkshire, some of the details of which can be found below:

Cancer Alliance People Affected by Cancer Advisory Board (PABCAB) is a panel of people who have been affected by cancer in South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw or North Derbyshire either as a patient or as someone who has cared for, or supported, someone with cancer. It is designed to ensure that the needs of patients and carers are given priority, and to challenge the thinking of those making decisions where necessary.

PABCAB meet every two months along with programme leads from the Cancer Alliance, partners from Trusts and partner organisations or charities, for approximately two hours (either online or in-person). The meetings are a great opportunity to share feedback and updates and to discover opportunities for further involvement. The work of the Advisory Board is then fed back to senior leaders and key decision-making forums of the Cancer Alliance.

The PABCAB is currently being recruited to, find out more here: South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance are recruiting to their Advisory Board :: South Yorkshire I.C.B (

Click here for more information, including details of how to apply.

The Cancer Alliance also has a People Affected by Cancer Membership List which does not involve a requirement to attend meetings and allows you to be involved with less commitment. More information about the Membership List can be found here.

Find out more about our Stroke Survivor Panel here. If you would be interested in being part of this panel, please make contact with the SY ISDN team on

Each place in South Yorkshire has a Maternity Voice Partnership. Read their latest newsletter here.

Find out more by visiting their Facebook pages or emailing them:

Barnsley: Facebook:

Doncaster: Facebook: 

Rotherham: Facebook:

Sheffield: Facebook:

Our Children and Young People's Alliance also has an engagement model working with Chilypep from the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Find out more about the CYP Alliance work here and what children and young people have said is important to them when engaging with us here. If you would like to find out more about how you could get involved please email

Additional Opportunities

We are currently working through the priorities highlighted in our Start with People Strategy and working with our voluntary, community, social enterprise sector and Healthwatch partners to identify additional opportunities.

You may want to feed in directly to one of our partners. Nationally there is an organisation called Healthwatch. 'Healthwatch is your health and social care champion. If you use GPs and hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, care homes or other support services, we want to hear about your experiences. As an independent statutory body, we have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. Last year we helped nearly a million people like you to have your say and get the information and advice you need.’

In South Yorkshire we have four Healthwatches, they can be contacted by following these links:

Healthwatch Barnsley

Healthwatch Doncaster

Healthwatch Rotherham

Healthwatch Sheffield

Contact Us

Please visit the NHS South Yorkshire Contact Us page if having read this page you feel your enquiry is more suited to complaints/ freedom of information requests/ media enquiries etc.

NHS England have their own page dedicated to national engagement and consultations that they are running. You can find that page here if you would like to contribute to a national exercise.