What is the purpose of this engagement?

The purpose of this engagement is to gather feedback from the general public and people working in health and care to inform decision-making on the government’s 10-Year Health Plan for England.

Please go to About this engagement to read more about the purpose of this engagement.

Who is running this engagement?

Department of Health and Social Care is leading this work, alongside NHS England (NHSE). It is the combined role of these organisations to support, protect, and improve the health and wellbeing of populations in England.

Thinks Insight & Strategy is an independent research agency adhering to the Market Research Society (MRS) Code of Conduct. The Department for Health and Social Care has commissioned Thinks to facilitate this research on their behalf.

Kaleidoscope Health and Care is providing expertise on workforce engagement, acting as a champion for staff voices.

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) is providing expertise on policy and implications, ensuring the engagement is informed by latest evidence.

Why is my feedback important?

As patients, members of the public, or frontline staff, you see directly what’s working and what could be improved. The NHS can only be made fit for the future if we learn from your experiences and your priorities.

Your feedback will directly inform the development of the government’s 10-Year Health Plan for England.

Alongside your feedback, we will take into account a wide range of contributions, including further research and feedback from experts and partners.

Who can take part in this engagement?

Everyone over the age of 16 living in England. Participation is entirely voluntary.

There are certain questions aimed at those working in the health and care sector to ensure they can share their views and experiences, and others written specifically for those who use services.

How do I participate?

Anyone can share their views by completing the activities on this online portal. Start the first questionnaire here.

Will my feedback be confidential?

Responses to the activities ‘Start here’, ‘Learning from your experiences – public’, ‘Learning from your experiences – staff’ will be kept confidential and will be anonymised in analysis and reporting. Find more information here.

Response to the activity ‘Your ideas for change’ can be viewed by other people. You can choose to leave an idea without leaving your name but your username will be visible. These responses will be moderated to remove any inappropriate or harmful content.

How will the ideas and opinions I contribute here feed into the 10-Year Health Plan for England?

The government has made it our mission to fix the NHS, but we can't do it without the help of the people who use it and work in it. We need to learn from your experiences and perspectives and hear your ideas.

This website is one important part of that. The ideas that you contribute here will be considered alongside those generated through a wide range of other engagement over the coming months, including hearing from people who are less able to engage online and lots of other groups.

We'll report back on this site and elsewhere as the plan develops.

What is the difference between public and staff feedback?

All feedback from both groups is valued and will be considered equally.

Staff and the public will both have unique insights about what needs to change in the NHS, which government ministers need to hear as they write the 10 Year Health Plan for England.

I want to take part another way. What do I do?

If you or someone you care for wishes to take part in an alternative format, please email changenhs@thinksinsight.com