As part of the Health and Care Act 2022, which became law in April 2022, South Yorkshire’s four Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) - in Sheffield, Doncaster, Rotherham and Barnsley - have been replaced by the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

The new organisation, which was formed officially on 1 July 2022, is now the statutory NHS body responsible for developing plans in collaboration with all its system partners for meeting the health needs of the population, reducing health inequalities, managing the NHS budget and arranging for the provision of health services in South Yorkshire.

As we are now one organisation it is important we consolidate (align) our commissioning policies so that all patients are treated fairly and equitably and that decisions made by a single NHS South Yorkshire organisation are clear and transparent.

Commissioning is the process by which health and care services are planned, purchased and monitored. Commissioning Policies set out the precise details of services to be funded by the NHS and Doctors and consultants refer to the policies and apply the guidance within it for their patients. 

Work has taken place to identify the key differences across current policies and has found the following policies are different:

South Yorkshire Commissioning for Outcomes Policy in the following areas:

  • Cholecystectomy 
  • Acupuncture for headaches
  • Ingrown Toenail Surgery
  • Varicose Veins
  • Grommets in children
  • Knee and Hip for Osteoarthritis



Gluten Free Prescribing

Fit for Surgery (Weight Management and Smoking Cessation requirements pre referral)

Individual Care Packages

A work programme has been developed to deliver a thorough programme of work over the coming 12 months.

The two phases of development are:

  • Phase 1 (Jul – Dec 22 – indicative)
    • Commissioning for Outcomes Policy
  • Phase 2 (Jul 22 – Mar 23- indicative)
    • Gluten Free, Fitness for Surgery, IVF and Individual Care Packages

At the heart of our role as a new integrated care board is the commitment to listen consistently to, and collectively act on, the experience and aspirations of local people and communities.

This includes involving people and communities in developing plans and priorities, and continually improving services. The insights and diverse thinking of people and communities from across South Yorkshire are essential to help us build on all the strengths within those communities and tackle health inequalities and the other challenges faced by our health and care system. By listening to the public that we serve and co-designing our services, our decisions are much more likely to meet the aspirations of all our communities, especially those with the greatest health and care needs.

Our approach to this work will follow the principles outlined in our ICB strategy, ‘Start With People: South Yorkshire click here

A communications and engagement plan is in place for this work and for each policy an engagement assessment and equality and health inequality impact assessments (EHIAs) will be completed. An issues paper sets out more of the detail for each policy so that interested citizens can feed in their informed views should they wish to.


The papers approved by the ICB Board, including Engagement Assessment Form and EHIA can be found here