NHS South Yorkshire is urging everyone who is at risk of being affected by flu to get vaccinated this winter.

There has been a significant increase in flu cases across our region over the last few weeks and this is expected to continue to spread over the winter months. Vulnerable people such as the elderly are being urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. 

Recent data shows there has been an increase in flu related hospital admissions of patients, of varying ages, being admitted with flu illness.

Eligible groups, such as those over 65, pregnant women, people with serious health conditions and their carers are being encouraged to take up the offer of a free NHS flu vaccine as soon as possible. Health and social care workers are also encouraged to be vaccinated.

For many people, flu is a very unpleasant illness that can knock even the healthiest of us off our feet. For more vulnerable people, it can cause serious complications and be life-threatening.

The flu vaccine helps protect against influenza virus and reduce the risk of those serious or life-threatening impact. It's offered free on the NHS every year to people at higher risk.

Dr David Crichton, Medical Officer from NHS South Yorkshire said “Vaccination is the best way for people to ensure they and their families are protected against flu this winter, when we spend more time inside and the virus can spread more easily.  People are being asked to keep indoor rooms well-ventilated if possible.

“We’re getting closer to the festive period when lots of people will be coming together with their families and friends, and being vaccinated is one of the best ways to keep you and those around you protected – so, if you haven’t yet taken up the offer – now is the time to do so. I’ve had mine and having yours will help protect you and those close to you.

“If you do feel unwell with flu like symptoms, it is advised you rest, take ibuprofen or paracetamol if you are able to, and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration”.

Parents should also ensure that eligible children are protected against the flu with the nasal spray vaccine, as they are at a higher risk of catching and spreading the virus. If caught, it can occasionally lead to serious problems like bronchitis and pneumonia.

Parents can make an appointment at their GP practice for their two or three-year-old (aged 2 or 3 on 31 August 2023) or their child with certain health conditions at their GP practice until 31 March.

The free flu vaccine offer will close after 31 March 2024. However, getting it as soon as possible is encouraged to ensure protection over the colder months when flu is often in greater circulation.