The LeDeR programme involves many different organisations.

This is how different people and organisations are involved in delivering LeDeR:


NHS England

NHS England makes sure that the LeDeR reviews are helping to improve the quality of health and social care for people with a learning disability.  They do this by supporting local agencies and health professionals to complete LeDeR reviews and use the learning to change the way they provide services in their local area.  They also help local systems to learn from one another so that we can spread learning and good practice across the country. 

NHS England commission Kings College London and its partners, University of Central Lancashire and Kingston St George’s Universities to analyse all of the data from the reviews to help ensure that we understand the main causes of death each year for people with a learning disability and, from 2022 for people who are autistic, so that we can improve services at a national level.


Integrated Care Board (ICB)

South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for planning and ensuring provision of health services.  They are responsible for making sure LeDeR reviews are carried out for deaths in their area.

The ICB is responsible for changing the services provided in their area based on the findings of the reviews in their area, and nationally.

The ICB has to publish an annual report about what they have done to change services as a result of the reviews they have completed and a three-year action plan describing how they will improve services for people with a learning disability and autistic people. 

The South Yorkshire ICB executive lead for LeDeR is Chris Edwards

The South Yorkshire ICB Local Area Contact is Anita Winter


People with a learning disability, families and carers

We know that for a lot of people with a learning disability their families and carers are key to keeping them healthy and recognising when they might be starting to be unwell.

To help us make sure that the NHS is doing everything it needs to we involve people with a learning disability and families and carers in the development of services which impact on them. This is called coproduction.

People with a learning disability and their families and carers are a very important part of the continuing development and delivery of LeDeR.


GPs, hospital trusts, social care organisations and other health and care professionals

Every health and care professional involved in the care and treatment of people with a learning disability can ensure that they support people to live happy and healthier lives by ensuring that reasonable adjustments are made where they are needed.  In addition, those in primary care ensure that  annual health checks and medication reviews of people with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP) reviews happen and health action plans are acted upon. Health and care professionals can also support LeDeR by taking the learning from reviews and making the improvements in their services for people with a learning disability and autistic people that have been identified.