
This is an explanation for some of the names and terms we refer to in our Start with People: South Yorkshire strategy. 

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  • Assurance Committees - Provide independent and objective assurance on how the NHS manages its system of internal control, governance and risk management.
  • Cancer Alliance - Cancer Alliances bring together clinical and managerial leaders from different hospital trusts and other health and social care organisations, to transform the diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer patients in their local area. These partnerships enable care to be more effectively planned across local cancer pathways. The Cancer Alliance in our region is the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw (SYB) Cancer Alliance, covering South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw, and North Derbyshire. Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire fall within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB and Derby and Derbyshire ICB respectively.
  • Children and Young People’s Alliance (CYP Alliance) - The South Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Alliance programme of work aims to reduce health inequalities and improve outcomes for children and young people in South Yorkshire with a strong focus on ensuring early intervention and prevention.
  • Chilypep - Children and Young People’s Empowerment Project. Chilypep is a young people’s empowerment project, dedicated to raising the voices of young people and giving them the confidence, influence and platform to shape their world and stay connected. They work with young people in Sheffield, Barnsley, South Yorkshire and beyond.
  • Co-design - Involving service user and other organisations in designing products/ services without continuing involvement. They can influence decisions but aren’t involved in ‘seeing it through’.
  • Communities - The term communities is used in this document to refer to a group of people who are united by a commonality, either geographical location of residence or a condition or interest.
  • Consultation - Consultation is one of the ways that involvement may be carried out (as described in the legislation), they are not separate and distinct things, we can involve without consulting, but we cannot consult without involving. The Consultation Institute defines consultation as: “The dynamic process of dialogue between individuals or groups, based upon a genuine exchange of views, with the clear objective of influencing decisions, policies or programmes of action.“ Many organisations, including NHS England / Improvement describe a ladder of engagement (2019).
  • Experts by Experience / Patient Voice Partners - Someone with relevant lived experience or a close family member of someone with relevant lived experience of a particular healthcare and/or support service.
  • Friends and Family Test (FFT) - The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. It asks service users whether they would recommend the NHS services they accessed. The feedback gathered through the FFT is being used in NHS organisations to stimulate local improvement and empower staff to carry out the sorts of changes that make a real difference. It is the biggest source of patients experience in the world.
  • Healthwatch - Healthwatch is a national organisation that represents people who use health and care services in England. It is independent, and exists to gather and represent the views of the public, but does not have the power to change how things are done. It reports problems and concerns to the Care Quality Commission, which has the power to make changes. There is a local Healthwatch in every council area.
  • Integrated Care Board (ICB) - NHS South Yorkshire ICB works with our partners in the four Places (Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield) to understand and meet the local health and care of people in each of these areas. Each area has been allocated NHS funds, which are spent on improving people’s health by ensuring that we deliver joined-up services, through local decision-making arrangements. NHS South Yorkshire has been established with Partner Board Members including Healthwatch, Mental Health and the Voluntary Care Sector representation. Our priorities are set out in our Joint Forward Plan.
  • Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) - A statutory committee jointly convened by Local Government and the Integrated Care Board, to bring together the NHS with Local Authorities, Combined Authorities, the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector and other partners. The ICP is set up to facilitate joint action to improve health and care outcomes and experiences across their populations and reduce health inequalities.
  • Integrated Care System (ICS) - Statutory Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) bring local authorities, NHS organisations, combined authorities and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector together with local communities to take collective responsibility for planning services, improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities.
  • Involvement / Engagement / Participation - In this document we have predominantly used the word Involvement. This is often used interchangeably with other words such as engagement or participation. NHS England defines involvement as: “Public involvement in commissioning is about enabling people to voice their views, needs and wishes, and to contribute to plans, proposals and decisions about services…Different approaches will be appropriate, depending on the nature of the commissioning activity and the needs of different groups of people.”
  • Local Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees (HOSC) - A HOSC is a committee of elected councillors from the Local Authority. HOSCs are the body responsible for scrutinising health services for their local area. They have legal duties to review and scrutinise matters relating to the planning, provision and operation of the health service in the area.
  • Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) - The role of JHOSCs is to assess strategic issues that cover two or more local authority areas.
  • NHS Statutory Body - Statutory bodies are organisations that have a legal responsibility to do something, and whose role and powers are defined by law. They are different to voluntary organisations, which may provide some of the same services but which are not set up by law. Other examples of statutory bodies are councils and NHS Trusts.
  • Non-Executive Members (NEM) - NEMs are not employees of the organisation. They bring an independent perspective to the ICB Board and other assurance meetings or committees, and have a duty to challenge decisions and proposals made by executive members.
  • Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) - Every NHS secondary care provider (like hospital trusts) has a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS provides help in many ways, for example it can help with health-related questions, help resolve concerns or problems when using the NHS, tell you more about the NHS complaints procedure, tell you about support groups outside the NHS and will also listen to concerns and suggestions. 
  • People - The term people is used in this document to refer to members of the public, not just to NHS staff, this could be confused by the fact that the NHS workforce plan is called its ‘People Plan’. In this report the word ‘people’ is used interchangeably with ‘citizens’ or ‘the public’, and can include patients.
  • Place Committees - ICB Place Committees provided consistency of ICB governance in each place. They provide a mechanism for delegation with in the ICB so that decision on priorities and resources can take place locally in each health with wider health and care partners. Place committees are accountable to the board.
  • Quality Patient and Public Involvement and Experience Committee (QPPIE) - The Quality, Patient and Public Involvement and Experience (QPPIE) committee assures citizen involvement. It is chaired by the Non-Executive Director with a lead for citizen involvement. QPPIE is also attended by a second NEM and Healthwatch
  • Social Prescribing - Social prescribing is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.
  • South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) - A formal partnership of our four local authorities in South Yorkshire: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Doncaster Council (City of Doncaster Council from January 2023), Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and Sheffield City Council. It covers the same population and is led by an elected Mayor.
  • Unitary Board - A collective model whereby key decision making for the organisation is exercised and within which there is shared responsibility and liability, for example the board of directors.
  • VCSE (Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise sector) - These non-statutory organisations improve health outcomes and tackle health inequalities not only by delivering services but also by shaping their design and advocating for, representing and amplifying the voice of service users, patients and carers. The VCSE sector is an important partner for statutory health and social care agencies and plays a key role in improving health, well-being and care outcomes and we have formalised our partnership through the VCSE Alliance which is a South Yorkshire wide network of VCSE organisations and health and care system leaders collaborating to tackle health inequalities across South Yorkshire.