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A forward-thinking digital programme in South Yorkshire now has a new online home to help increase awareness and understanding among audiences. 

The Yorkshire and Humber Care Record (YHCR) is currently being rolled out to health and social care teams across South Yorkshire. 

The YHCR is combining people’s separate records into a structured, easy-to-read format. This gives health and care professionals directly involved in an individual’s care a more complete view of the care and treatment that the individual has received across all services. 

Information about the YHCR has been brought together by the South Yorkshire Shared Care Record (SYSCR) programme on a new webpage, hosted by the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS). 

The webpage provides an explanation of what the programme is, the benefits for health and care staff and local people in introducing the YHCR and contact details for the programme. The webpage also has a list of frequently asked questions, providing answers to typical queries that people may have. 

The programme intends to provide regular updates on the progress of introducing the YHCR to teams and services across the region. These news updates are linked from the main webpage and can also be accessed here

Katie Dowson, South Yorkshire Shared Care Record (SYSCR) programme director, said: “We are keen to ensure that people are aware and understand the changes taking place and the potential benefits that can be gained from the shared care record. We are therefore pleased to be able to share information and the latest news on the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System website. As we develop more communications content and materials in due course, we will place them on the website so they are readily available to our health and care partners.” 

The YHCR is being rolled out via the SYSCR programme, which is part of the national Connecting Care Records initiative. Currently, there are 13 local NHS organisations and local authorities involved in advancing the programme in South Yorkshire, across the Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield areas. Please visit the webpage for more information.