Please see below the first in a series of CPCS newsletters, which includes key contacts for obtaining additional support, to help pharmacies and practices optimise the use of this service.

The NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)  referral tool kit can be accessed by clicking here.

Pharmacy First

The Pharmacy First service was launched by the government and NHS England on 31st January 2024 to give patients quick and accessible care and ease pressure on GP services. 

There are three parts to the service:

1.     Minor illness consultations with a pharmacist - Previously commissioned as the CPCS 

2.     Supply of urgent medicines (and appliances) - Previously commissioned as the CPCS 

  1. Clinical pathway consultations - New element

The service will provide additional capacity for the management of patients with minor acuity conditions. For full details of the service see here and for a copy of the NHSE Letter regarding the launch of the service see ​​here.

Pharmacy First Service key local messages

  • 98% of pharmacies across SY are signed up to provide the service. 
  • You can find pharmacies providing the service via: NHS Service Finder 
  • Good relationships between healthcare professionals will be a key factor to ensuring the service is a success. Please speak to your local pharmacies and practices to agree local processes for referring patients and managing those requiring escalations.
  • Pharmacy First is an extension of the previously commissioned Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) practices should continue to refer patients and may want to consider expanding the patient cohorts referred over time as the service beds in/becomes business as usual for practices and pharmacies.
  • Referral data from practices will evidence that patients are actively being supported to access appropriate treatment, evidencing that general practices are supporting the Delivery Plan for Recovering Access to Primary Care.
  • For the service to be successful there needs to be good working relationships between practices and pharmacies to support patient behaviour change.
