Thank you for registering your place for our staff Reconnecting event on 20 June 2024

Event details

Date: Thursday 20 June

Time: 9.30am - 3pm

Location: Doncaster Racecourse, Leger Way, Doncaster DN2 6BB

Other information: Lunch and refreshments will be provided and there is free car parking

The following information is for event attendees, to help you prepare for the day and provide all the information you need:

Please arrive for 9.30am, you will be greeted and asked to sign in via a QR code. If you are unable to access the QR code, there will be staff available to help you sign in.

Following sign in, there will be tea, coffee and water available while you browse our market place stalls. Please see the market place stalls section for more information.

The main event starts at 10am. You will be asked to make your way to the event area ahead of this time to find a seat. There are no seating plans for the day, so please feel free to sit wherever you like.

Event agenda 

The agenda for the event is available below which has full details of the sessions planned throughout the day.

Reconnecting Event Agenda 

The agenda will be available on the day via a QR code that will be on each table.

Interacting on the day 

There will be interactive sessions throughout the day where you will be asked to join an online platform. This will be the same platform used for the Online Conversation. Clever Together will send all attendees a reminder email with your personal log in details ahead of the event. If you have any issues, please contact 

WiFi will be available and there will be details on each table of how to join.

Networking and connecting with colleagues 

The event is an opportunity for you to reconnect with colleagues you may not have seen for a while, and connect with new colleagues and teams. Therefore, we encourage you to chat to people during the breaks and lunch. You may want to sit on a table with people you haven't met before, or don't know so well.


The following information has been provided to help you get to the venue, and park if needed, on the day.

As the event takes place on Clean Air Day, we encourage staff to car share or take public transport, where possible.

Getting to the venue by car

Doncaster racecourse boasts excellent links to the motorway network including M1 (junction 32), M18 (junction 3/4), A1M (junction 36) and the M62. Car parking is Free (outside of the Leger Festival) in Car Park A (enter opposite Doncaster Racecourse).

There are enough parking spaces in Car Park A for everyone attending the event, however, there is also Car Park C (Entrance opposite Wicks) if anyone was hoping to add a short walk to the start and end of their day. 

You can find the venue by entering the address into any satnav device:

Doncaster Racecourse
Leger Way

Carpark 2.PNG

Disabled parking spaces

If you are a blue badge holder, there are small number of disabled bays at the main entrance of the venue. The venue have also advised that they can cone other spaces off at the front of the venue for blue badge holders to use. 

If you need a disabled access space reserving and you haven't already done so, please contact before the event.

Getting to the venue by train

If you are travelling by train, Doncaster Racecourse is a 10 minute taxi ride (depending on traffic) or approx. 35 minute walk from the train station. 

Doncaster Interchange is next to the train station where you can get a bus every 5 minutes.

Getting to the venue by bus

If you are travelling by bus, the best possible route is to catch the 57F from Doncaster interchange from platform A4. This is a 7 minute journey (depending on traffic) and has 8 stops before you reach the Leger Way bus stop. This bus service runs on average every 5 minutes. For more information on buses you can visit the travel Yorkshire website at 

A number of teams, groups and networks will be hosting stalls for you to browse between 9.30am - 10am, once you have signed in to the event.

This is an opportunity for you to meet people you wouldn't normally meet and learn about some of the great work happening right across our organisation.

The following teams will be hosting stalls:

Table number

Group/team name


LGBTQ+ and Allies Network


Disability Forum


Menopause Network


Race and Allies Network


Environmental Sustainability


Carers Network


Workforce People Experience Team


Mental Health First Aiders


Trade Unions


People, Organisational Development and Culture


Reciprocal Mentoring and Apprenticeships


Research and Innovation Hub


South Yorkshire Children and Young People Alliance


South Yorkshire Local Maternity and Neonatal System


South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance


South Yorkshire VCSE Alliance


End of Life Care Team


Communications and Involvement Team


Data Digital and Technology Team


Barnsley Place Team


Doncaster Place and Doncaster Transformation


Sheffield Place Team


Rotherham Place Team 


Floor plan for market stalls.PNG

The stalls will remain up all day, for you to browse and take away information during the breaks and lunch. Stands will only be manned in the morning so don't miss your chance to speak to people after you've signed in at 9.30am.

We want everyone to feel comfortable on the day, therefore, there isn't a specific dress code for the event.

Please feel free to wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

Tea, coffee and fruit infused water will be available at the start of the day and during the breaks and lunch.

Lunch will be provided and will be a buffet of:

  • Selection of seasonal wraps
  • Seasonal salads
  • Mini doughnuts
  • Fruit bowl
  • Jude's ice lollies

Dietary allergies and intolerances stated in the registration forms have been passed on to the venue and these will be catered for. There will be a separate station for the food catering to dietary requirements and allergies, the food will be clearly labelled. Vegetarian food will also be on this station.

Physical accessibility 

The event will take place on one level of the racecourse and there aren't any steps to walk up and down. It is approx. 200 yards from the main entrance to the seating area.

Disabled parking spaces are available - please see the parking section for more info.


There are a number of sets of toilets available near where the event is taking place and near to where the food will be served. The toilets are clearly sign posted and will also be pointed out at the start of the event.


All presenters and speakers on the day will be using a microphone and there will be roving mics to be passed around the audience if anyone has questions or comments.

Help on the day 

If you need support on the day, please speak to a helper who will be identifiable by a yellow coloured lanyard.

Quiet space 

We have identified the Reference Point Room as a quiet room that staff can use throughout the day as a quiet zone for work calls, or if you need a personal break from the main conference area. Please be mindful of other people using the room.

This room is located opposite the main entrance and is sign posted.

Outdoor spaces 

There is an outdoor space that can be used during breaks and lunches, or if you need to get some fresh air during the event. The exits will be clearly signposted on the door.

Please note: smokers are asked to go offsite to smoke or vape.