Improving autism pathways and focus on early intervention and support 

  • Specialist Autism Service: Addressing the Growing Demand for Autism Support in South Yorkshire with rising referrals for autism assessments and support, alongside increasing referrals to our Children & Young People’s Key-Working Service and Mental Health Acute admissions, a significant gap has emerged in South Yorkshire. This gap is particularly evident in services for individuals with autism who do not have a learning disability. Despite our ongoing progress moving towards early intervention and prevention, there is a growing need for enhanced crisis response services and improved workforce knowledge when supporting autistic individuals. A systematic approach is essential to build resilience within existing teams and across the wider system. We are currently coproducing the service specification and plan to begin procurement in early 2025.​

  • Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS): Was launched in November 2023 by the DfE, DHSC, and NHS England to fund the ICBs to work in partnership with local authorities and local parent carer led delivery partners to support the education and health needs of neurodiverse children in primary schools. Being needs- rather than diagnosis-led, it also covers children without a formal diagnosis. Building on the success of ‘Autism in Schools’, this is a ‘proof of concept’ project that will be nationally evaluated to inform best practice in providing earlier support for neurodiverse children to prevent potential challenges requiring intensive intervention across health, education, and care. This project finishes at the end of March 2025.​